Environment-oriented Traffic Management Erfurt (UVE)

Erfurt aims to significantly reduce traffic-related CO2 emissions with its "Environment-oriented Traffic Management Erfurt (UVE)" project and thus improve the city's air quality and, as a consequence, the locals' health.

The project focuses on implementing technical and organisational prerequisites for dynamic traffic management based on environmental aspects. Meteorological data, as well as data on the current traffic situation and the pollutant load in the air, form the data basis on which the project operates. Therefore, relevant data is constantly being collected in the entire city area via detectors and sensors.

Automated and continuous traffic monitoring is the decisive factor for the activation of environment-oriented traffic management measures. Traffic restrictions are recorded in real-time, and based on mathematical model calculations, a situation analysis for the entire city area is generated. As a result, the traffic can be specifically routed by light signal systems to reduce emission-intensive traffic conditions in the inner-city area and protect environmentally sensitive areas by directing motor traffic past them as soon as critical values are measured.

Beyond that, traffic information plays an essential role. Hence, traffic participants will receive information on the latest traffic situation and corresponding recommendations for action via various channels. These include modern information media and dynamic city information boards at radial city entrances. Primarily, however, the latest traffic information will be provided on the basis of the state capital Erfurt’s geoportal. Provision of data on the German “Mobility Data Marketplace (MDM)” is also being planned.

 Two cars driving by at night. Cars and lights are blurry because of the speed.
Two cars driving by at night, blurred by the light
A tram drives through Erfurt's city center at night
A tram drives through Erfurt's city center at night
A tram drives through Erfurt's city center at night
A tram drives through Erfurt's city center at night
A busy street at night, behind which are blocks of flats
A busy street at night, behind which are flats
A man sitting at his desk stares at his computer
A man sitting at his desk stares at his computer
A man at a desk looks intently at his monitors, on which various city maps of Erfurt are open
A man at a desk looks intently at his monitors, on which various city maps of Erfurt are open
City map of Erfurt
City map of Erfurt
A hand points to a city map showing all construction sites
A hand points to a city map showing all construction sites
Operation name
2017 UVM 0001
Name of category of intervention
043 - Environmental friendliness and promotion of local transport infrastructure (including equipment and vehicles)
Operation start date
Operation end date
Total eligible expenditure allocated to the operation
Union co-financing rate
80 %
Operation postcode